Michino Eki (Rest stop) Encho-en
Michino Eki (Rest stop) Encho-en is located within the same area of the Chinese garden Encho-en which was renovated as a rest stop in April, 2011(Heisei 23). The open and airy store offers a wide selection of items such as Tottori souvenirs, processed products made by the local community, Chinese and anime merchandise, all waiting for you.
The eat-in-area offers local cuisine such as fried mackerel burgers, Gyoukotsu(beef bone) ramen, pear ice cream etc and they are available to takeout.
POSTED on 2024/12/19
Basic Information
Operating hours | 9:00 AM-5:00 PM |
Holiday | Meals and Cafe : Tuesdays Shopping Booth : Irregular schedule |
Address | 563-1 Hikiji, Yurihama-cho, Tohaku-gun, Tottori Prefecture |
Telephone | +81-858-32-2184 |
Parking | Available (270 spaces) including 27 large cars with EV charging stations |
Website | Michino Eki Encho-en |