Sightseeing Spots

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We recommend the "Campagne Lunch," which incorporates seasonal vegetables and local ingredients, focusing on "nurturing the body."
There’s also a covered terrace where you can spend time with your beloved dog. The terrace features a tethering hook for your dog and a water bowl for your furry friend.

Basic information

  • 11:00 AM-5:00 PM
  • (Lunch 11:00 AM- / Café 2:00 PM-)
Holiday Sundays & Mondays
Capacity 20 seats (16 chairs, 4 sofas)
As there is currently only one table on the terrace, we recommend that guests with pets
who wish to use the terrace seats make reservations in advance.
Address 81-1 Sekiganechho-abu, Kurayoshi-shi, Tottori Prefecture
Telephone +81-858-45-6060
Parking Parking available
Website Cacala [Facebook]
Cacala [Instagram]