Sightseeing Spots

  • 郷原漆器(郷原漆器の館) width=850/ height=600
  • 郷原漆器
  • 郷原漆器
  • 郷原漆器
  • 郷原漆器
  • 郷原漆器
  • 郷原漆器
  • 郷原漆器
  • 郷原漆器
  • 郷原漆器
  • 郷原漆器

Gobara Lacquerware 「Gobara Lacquerware Pavilion」

Gohara lacquerware produced 400,000 pieces a year in the past and ceased to exist after World War II. Since the beginning of the Heisei era (1989), efforts made to revive the industry by planting lacquer trees to secure valuable domestic lacquer and bringing in lacquer craftsmen to work have been made. Through the efforts of all involved, the Gohara Lacquerware industry.
The Gohara Lacquerware Museum produces and displays Gohara lacquerware. We welcome visitors to tour the facility, but please note that artisans may be away for some time for their work.

Basic Information

Operating hours 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Holiday Thursdays
Address 425 Hiruzen-Kamihukuda, Maniwa-shi, Okayama Prefecture
Telephone +81-867-45-0481